If you’re looking for uncommon kinks…
This guide is for you.
Here you’ll discover 11 uncommon kinks that are so BIZARRE!
Let’s jump in.
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Uncommon Kinks
Image Source: lavnatalia (Pixabay)
1: Scat Play
Scat play is where you’re aroused by coming into contact with human feces.
The type of contact varies from person to person, but often includes smelling, tasting, and touching.
Some people like “solo scat play,” while others partake in it during sex with their partner.
2: Formicophilia
Formicophilia is a “bug kink.”
It’s where you are sexually stimulated by small insects such as ants and spiders crawling on you.
It’s common to also enjoy being nibbled on by small insects!
3: Acrotomophilia
This is a very strange, and uncommon kink.
Acrotomophilia is sexual arousal in people who are missing an arm, or a leg.
Acrotomophiles may like the way they look, or are turned on at the thought of using the stump as a sex object.
4: Emetophilia
This kink is where you find vomit to be a turn on.
Those who are into this kink find their own vomit arousing, but usually get more pleasure from other people’s vomit.
Whether it’s watching someone vomit, eating it, or being vomited on.
5: Hybristophilia
Hybristophilia is sexual interest in people who have committed a serious crime.
Serial killers such as Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez were subjects of hybristophilia back in the 80’s.
Women would send them love letters, and even marriage proposals!
6: Breeding Kink
A breeding kink is being aroused by the thought of being impregnated, or impregnating a woman.
People with a breeding fetish usually enjoy the “risky” feeling of potentially permanent consequences from this act.
7: Klismaphilia
Another strange and uncommon kink is klismaphilia.
This kink is the arousal of enemas, which is an injection of fluid into the rectum to relieve constipation, and clean out your bowels.
8: Mechanophilia
Mechanophilia is a fetish where you’re attracted to machines such as cars, motorcycles, diggers, and helicopters.
While an uncommon kink, it’s more common for guys to have this fetish.
9: Nebulophilia
Nebulophilia is a fetish where a person has a sexual interest in fog.
The word comes from the Latin word “nebula” which means “fog,” and “phile,” which means “lover of.”
10: Worming
Worming is the act of licking someone’s eyeballs for sexual gratification.
There is a risk of getting an eye infection, so caution and care is a must with this kink!
11: Olfactophilia
If you’re aroused by the stench of another person’s body odor, that’s known as olfactophilia!
According to DiscoverMagazine, the erotic focus is most likely to relate to body odors of a sexual partner, including genital odors.
Wrapping Up
Well, there we go.
11 Uncommon Kinks That Are Just So Weird!
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